Firearms Collection

Firearms collection is the most important operations participated by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF)

The government tended directly, after Darfur states witnessed considerable stability, to set a strategy to collect the random firearms from the hands of the citizens to avoid the spread of armed conflicts. Accordingly, the RSF contributed to the firearms collection campaign besides seizing the unlicensed vehicles and enforcement the law against the violators.

The firearms collection campaign is an indicator of the decline of the insurgency. The RSF works according to certain strategies and measures to achieve the general safety of the citizens. It is a clear message to the international community that Sudan is endeavoring to achieve security and stability in all its parts.

Firearms collection affirms the prestige  of the state as it prevents the insurgents from practicing their crimes.

More Effective Security Role:

The overwhelming performance of the RSF with its effective tactical capabilities is not limited to fighting the armed insurgents, but it succeeded in bringing an end to the activities of the armed groups in the battlefields.

The success of the firearms collection operation proves that the RSF contributed considerably to the stability witnessed within the tribes all over the country.